Common strategy for wetland
management and protection

The CREW Observatory is a transnational hub that serves to monitor and share good practices and data on coastal wetlands in the Italian-Croatian cross border region.

Wiki WebGIS


The CREW-Wiki is an open and interactive tool for sharing information on coastal wetlands management.

How does it work?

  • Search in the open archive and discover the contents uploaded.
  • Register your account and add your own contents:
  • Add a wetland contract: Share your Wetland Contract process experience. The Wetland Contract is a voluntary tool of strategic and negotiated planning based on the active participation of both public and private territorial stakeholders.
  • Add a good practice: Share an intervention, management plan or programme, strategy, project, awareness raising campaign, training or capacity building activity, stakeholders’ engagement, addressing wetlands protection and management.
  • Add a technical and scientific support: Share a scientific or technical content (i.e. scientific paper, technical guidelines) on wetlands protection and management.
  • Add a regulatory framework: Share a law, regulation, decree, regulatory guidelines, financing programme or other contents related to the regulatory framework of the wetlands protection and management.

The CREW-Wiki can include experiences realized in contexts other than the Italian-Croatian cross border region in order to increase transferability and networking.



The CREW-WebGIS gathers together data collected by project partners, and provides access to open geographical data on coastal wetlands in the Italian-Croatian cross border region, with the purpose to provide a reliable and up-to-date scientific support to coastal wetlands management.


The CREW Project

CREW “Coordinated Wetland management in Italy-Croatia cross border region” is an Interreg V-A Italy – Croatia project co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund that aims at ensuring higher coordination between different level of spatial planning and authorities in charge for wetlands management, whilst limiting conflicts between preservation issues and economic activities.

CREW aims at achieving the following objectives:

  • set up a cross border Observatory to monitor best practices and data on Italian and Croatian coastal wetlands;
  • protect the biodiversity in Italian and Croatian coastal wetlands by the implementation of a coordinated tool for wetlands multilevel governance (Wetland Contract) in 7 pilot areas;
  • share a cross border strategy and strengthen synergies among Italian and Croatian coastal wetlands;
  • improve the public awareness about the value of the wetlands ecosystems among policy makers, managers, professionals, and general public and strengthen their active engagement in territorial governance.

The CREW-Wiki can include experiences realized in contexts other than the Italian-Croatian cross border region in order to increase transferability and networking.

Project platform
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